Shaun Kim Tiam Fook Chong
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Shaun Kim Tiam Fook Chong, the Chief Financial Officer of Lottotech Ltd since 2020, has also been appointed Deputy CEO in July 2023. He joined the Gamma Group in 2014, where he held the position of CFO at Kolos Cement Ltd before moving to Gamma Head Office in 2019, as Deputy CFO- Financial Management & Analysis.
Prior to joining the Gamma Group, he worked as Audit Manager at Harold Everett Wreford LLP (London, UK) and Senior Financial Accountant at Aspen Global Incorporated.
He is an INSEAD alumnus and a Fellow (FCA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England & Wales (ICAEW). He further holds a BA Accounting & Finance from Leeds University.