Non-Executive Director

Marie Claire Chong Ah-Yan has been the Head of HR from 2000 before being appointed HR Director of Gamma Civic Ltd in 2012. She is also a Co-Trustee of the Gamma Foundation, which coordinates all CSR projects for the Group.

No longer an executive director of the business since 2015, she is a member of the Board in a non-executive capacity and serves on the Corporate Governance Committee. A citizen and resident of Mauritius, her qualifications include a Bachelor degree in Arts, a Bachelor degree in Human Resources Management and a FT Non-Executive Director Diploma.

Directorships in other listed entities
  • Kolos Cement Ltd :  Non-Executive Director, and member of Corporate Governance Committee
  • Lottotech Ltd  :  Non-Executive Director, and member of Corporate Governance Committee (Chairperson)
  • Morning Light Co Ltd : Non-Executive Director, and member of Corporate Governance Committee (Chairperson)
  • Gamma Construction Ltd : Non-Executive Director, and member of Corporate Governance Committee